Thursday, 26 September 2013

Supplement Series: OhMg! - Magnesium

This is the first post in the EMOM with ETOM Supplement Series, which will discuss the supplements I take and why I take them. I try to break down the science as much as I can with the "take home" points and "one-liners" but please don't hesitate to leave comments on the post with any questions or things you might need me to clear up!

At then end of the series, there will be a discussion of the specific supplements I take (brands and combinations), how I take them (timing, dosage), and what I feel their perceived benefits are. 

First up - OhMg! Magnesium! Enjoy :) 

Monday, 23 September 2013

Motivation Monday: Intensity & Comfort

Motivation Monday!

I had my level one course (for CrossFit) over the weekend so this post will be short!

We spoke a lot over the weekend about this little thing called intensity. It's actually not all that little and it's critical to your success in life, workouts, business, whatever. It's about giving something your all - knocking on the doors of exhaustion day in and day out - not giving up when your mind tells you to, because your body still has something left to give.

I like intensity because it's dynamic and relative. What 100% effort was in the morning, might be different to what 100% effort is in the evening, or afternoon, or tomorrow, or the next week. Either way - you must give 100% every single time you set out to do something. You might not feel the best, you might not lift your heaviest, you might not get a PR, close a deal, or get an A. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that you gave everything you had and didn't quit because it hurt a little, or was uncomfortable, or hard. If you continue to commit your very being to everything you do, eventually it will become harder and harder for you to fail and you will feel the best, you will lift heavy, you will get PR's, close deals, and get A's. 

Along those lines - it's time to evaluate whether you're a Brick or a Twinkie. Catalyst Athletics recently posted this article on pain tolerance and mental strength. If you read the article and said to yourself, "Man, I might be a Twinkie" then it's time for you to go past being uncomfortable, stop making excuses, and put yourself on a road to success. Also, if you read the article and said, "Hmmm, I think I'm probably a brick" you're almost certainly a Twinkie. Own up, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Conversely, if you're a brick - well done. But be careful. We all need to know our limitations and listen to our bodies. Don't be stupid.

Check out the video below for the speech that inspired this Motivation Monday post!

Go out and be awesome, my friends. And ENJOY LIFE! That's the main thing! There's a difference between intensity and being a super serious stick-up-the-bum person. Don't be that. Take a lesson from this awesomely intense dog, and become the human version of it.